Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quick Update...

For a first I find myself struggling to describe exactly what I am feeling. For the thoughts and ideas, the plans and futures I thought I once had, have been revealed insignificant to the will of God. Peaking into the origin of my passions, I have discovered a distinct difference between those passions, and my desires. What is mine and what is his, seems to be the question ringing deep down inside of me. A life full of decisions is what I am finding, and more so a life of sacrifices. Things that once brought joy and a physical quench, now being revealed for their true leech like qualities... Leech like in the way that they take and drain from the energy and which is dedicated for the will of my God.

The book of James...
A book of straight forward faith, a book of true religion, and a book for the lifestyle of disciples. Control the untamable tongue, be humble, do not judge, be joyful in trials. A call far beyond excellence for some people, for others what it takes to be who we say we are. By no means are any of these attained easily, we are a broken people with our faults, but our God, gives generously, "For his divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness." (2 Peter 1:3) But as I have learned about gifts, (asking for patience) it is not like the gifts we receive on Christmas, rather when receiving patience, you are often put in the endeavor of waiting, in which patience is perfected. But with endurance, these will be perfected, despite our slips and slides, we still are on the road towards holiness by Jesus Christ.

Now with most of the themes of this book finding their way into my travels, I know God is creating in me something beautiful. Currently I am discovering my faults in the theme of "Our Will and His Will." As I read the words, they bring back clear reminder of what was once uttered from my own mouth, "Today or tomorrow we will travel to such and such a city and spend a year there..."(James 4:13) Now I find the plans I once had to further the kingdom of God becoming irrelevant to his unbreakable plans. The school I originally set out to staff has thus been canceled, and a nine month trip has been yet shortened. To what? I am not yet quite sure, however an internship back home, clearly in line with my calls in ministry sounds ever more in line with God's will. So with the forgiveness of my father, and humility of a servant, I say now "If the Lord will it , I will return home in April and prepare for a Summer Internship back home in Carlsbad."

In Conclusion...
At first with the canceling of the school and a series of emotions I went through, I originally struggled with the idea of everything. However now, after seeking God and seeing his will truly come through for me, I see the new opportunities that he is laying in front of me to be far more productive than anything that I could come up with on my own. I am eager to update about the past weeks, but currently am struggling to find the right words to describe God's movement in my life. But sooner than later I hope to get another detailed update out. God Bless to all of you who are reading, thank you for your prayers and support and maybe I will be seeing you soon.

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